
A Platform to Monitor and Block Hacks
Help users, protocol operators, traders, and everyone to perceive suspicious transactions, get instant alerts and take automatic actions

Gain Early Access to Precise Attack Intelligence

Early Detection

Cover Mempool and on-chain transactions, monitor for malicious proposals and contracts, and more.

Early Detection

Precise Detection

Leverage DeFi semantics and AI algorithms to achieve high precision.

Precise Detection

Automated Attack Blocking with Customized Actions

Automated Actions

Implement swift and automatic responses to threats.

Multi-Signature Support

Enable automated actions with multi-signature wallets.

Early Detection

Transaction Sending Strategy

Utilize private RPC, gas bidding, and set gas price limits to counteract attacks.

Precise Detection

No-Code, Flexible Monitoring Rules Configuration

Ease of Use

Monitor transactions, functions, events, and variables easily without the need for coding.

Precise Detection

Pre-Set Templates

Access a variety of monitoring templates covering major security issues for protocols including Lending, DEX, Restaking, Liquid Staking, etc.

Early Detection

Meet Both Security and Operational Monitoring Requirements

Comprehensive Monitoring

Keep an eye on changes to admin keys, role grants, key variables, contract upgrades, time lock, new proposals and price oracles.

Diverse Notification Channels

Receive alerts through multiple channels including webhooks, Telegram, Slack, email, and more.

Use cases

Automated actions to counteract attacks, preventing or minimizing losses
Continuous operational monitoring to identify critical events within the protocol
Liquidity Providers / Traders
Trigger instant asset withdrawals in response to security incidents
Identify trading opportunities with timely access to on-chain intelligence
L1/L2 Chains
Stay vigilant about the security of leading protocols to uphold a thriving ecosystem
Protect treasury assets through automatic responses to hacks
Delist tokens affected by hacks immediately
Swift reallocation of holdings to secure wallets when attacks occur

Three Steps to Navigate Phalcon

1Add protocol
The protocols you build or invest in
The smart contracts on which the above protocols depend
2Add monitor
Built-in early and precise attack detection engine to identify malicious transactions
Various monitoring rules to screen transactions using rich templates
3Add action
Configure automated actions for different scenarios
Support for an exclusive gas bidding strategy

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Phalcon operate technically?

  • Phalcon continuously monitors all mempool and on-chain transactions for malicious activities, including transactions, proposals, and contracts.
  • Transactions are categorized into three risk levels: Attack, Suspicious, and Regular, complemented by user-defined trigger rules.
  • When transactions meet specified risk levels and trigger rules, predefined response actions (i.e. blocking transactions) are automatically triggered, utilizing an exclusive gas-bidding strategy to speed up these transactions and frontrun attacks.

What is the false positive rate of Phalcon?


During Phalcon's internal operations over the past two years, 99% of reported attack transactions have been verified as true attacks.

Even more, users can enhance precision by customizing their own trigger rules, such as changes in token amounts, prices, key variables, sensitive events, and function invocations. An alert or action is only triggered when a transaction meets both the specified risk level and user-defined trigger rules, further minimizing false positives to the lowest level possible.

Why is Phalcon able to execute a successful front-running?

  • Precise Detection in the Mempool: Phalcon accurately identifies malicious transactions in the mempool. This allows Phalcon to front-run and block the attack even before it occurs, keeping potential losses to zero.
  • Exclusive Bidding Strategy: Phalcon strategically bids higher gas fees to ensure its transactions are processed before those of attackers, securing priority in execution.

What value does Phalcon offer to L2 protocols
(since L2s don't have a mempool)?


In most cases, hackers don't launch a single attack; instead, they execute multiple attacks across various chains in a short period. When the first attack transaction is recorded on the blockchain, Phalcon can detect it immediately. If an L2 protocol employs Phalcon, the system can promptly alert the team and automatically pause the protocol, limiting losses to just the initial attack.

How can l configure front-running in the Phalcon system?

  • Phalcon initiates frontrunning by automatically sending a blocking transaction through EOA wallet or multi-sig wallets upon detecting an attack.
  • EOA Wallet: Users need to use their EOAs to pre-sign 'blocking' transactions and upload them to Phalcon.
  • Multi-sig Wallet: Multi-sig Wallet: Phalcon creates a custom module for Safe{Wallet} that bypasses the standard multi-signature process. This allows a user-designated EOA to automatically sign the 'blocking' transaction. To use it, users just add the module's address to their Safe{Wallet}.

Can Phalcon monitor the deployment of malicious contracts?


Yes. Phalcon utilizes AI algorithms to preemptively identify malicious contracts even before attack transactions are initiated.

In scenarios where destination addresses are passed as parameters, traditional fuzzing techniques fall short. Phalcon overcomes this by detecting malicious activities during both the smart contract deployment and attack transaction execution phases.

Can Phalcon monitor private mempool transactions?


Private mempool transactions are undetectable, even by Phalcon. However, once such an attack is executed, Phalcon can immediately detect it, alert the protocol team, and automatically initiate a blocking transaction. Given that over 90% of attacks involve multiple transactions, Phalcon plays a crucial role in helping users prevent further losses after the initial one.

We are also in the process of collaborating with private mempool providers who have the compliance requirements to exclude attack transactions.

Which chains does Phalcon support?


Currently, Phalcon supports Ethereum, BSC, Arbitrum, and Merlin, with support for other L1/L2 chains also in our pipeline. If you would like to accelerate Phalcon's support for a specific chain, please contact us at

What is Phalcon's pricing and subscription process?
Is any trial available?

  • Pricing & Subscription: Phalcon is a SaaS platform. Afterlogging in, users can view pricing for different features and subscribe directly. For any questions, feel free tobook a demowith our security experts who will address your concerns.
  • Trial: Join the Phalcon Virtual Experience Journey to see how Phalcon blocks attack transactions! Complete the journey to receive a coupon for a 7-day trial of Phalcon for just $9, compared to the regular price of $4,600 per month.

Maximize Security Minimize Cost

Opt for our full-stack services with a thorough code audit and secure a discount on Phalcon

Phalcon Toolset

Phalcon Explorer

Dive into Transactions to Act Wisely

A virtualization tool that facilitates the analysis of complex transactions, essential for understanding attack transactions.

Learn more
Phalcon Fork

Collaborative testing on mainnet forked chains

A testnet designed for collaborative development and public-mode testing.

Learn more

Activate Your Defense with Phalcon!

Register today to safeguard your protocols and assets with Phalcon – your real-time sentinel against external threats, automatically blocking attacks before they strike